Brighton Blueprint

  • Each year, the District convenes a large group of parents, community members, staff members, parents, the leadership team, and the Board of Education to develop our strategic plan for the year. Otherwise known as the Blueprint, this planning process is the backbone of every committee and District initiative for the year. The work done is reported out on regularly at Board of Education meetings, measured in final reporting, and then serves as the foundation for planning during the next year. This year’s Blueprint was developed with nearly 50 team members and further refined by the leadership team before being adopted by the Board of Education on Aug. 23, 2023.

    This year’s priority areas are: Mental Health and Wellness, Academic Excellence, The Student and Family Experience, Staff Support and a Collaborative Culture, and Safety and Planning for the Future.

    Brighton Blueprint Abbreviation Key

    • AIS – Academic Intervention Services
    • APPR – Annual Professional Performance Review
    • ASI – Assistant Superintendent of Instruction
    • B&G – Buildings and Grounds
    • ENL – English as a New Language
    • ILT – Instructional Leadership Team
    • MTSS – Multi-Tiered System of Supports
    • PD – Professional Development
    • RTI – Response to Intervention
    • SBET – School Based Equity Team
    • SEL – Social Emotional Learning

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