Plan for the Continuation of Learning

  • Brighton Central School District 

    Plan for the Continuation of Learning beyond April 13, 2020 


    District goals for providing continuous learning opportunities for Brighton CSD students: 

    1. Provide high quality learning experiences for our students to the best of our ability. 
      1. (Gr 9-12) Establish an ongoing plan for instruction to prepare students for end of course assessments 
      2. (Gr K-8) Establish an ongoing plan for instruction to prepare students for advancing to the next grade level 
    2. Monitor and maintain student and family connections with their school communities.   


    What does this mean? It means…. 

    1. That we are committed to increasing our online experiences for students which involve new learning (not just review). 
      1. Students in grades K-5 will have about 120 minutes of learning opportunities/day from their classroom teachers; emphasizing ELA and math, but not excluding Social Studies and Science.  In addition, additional learning will be provided by our specials teachers as well as our support services (SpEd, AIS, ENL). 
      2. Students in grades 6-12 will have about 40 minutes of learning time provided each day or about 200 minutes per week from each of their teachers. 
    2. Teachers will be delivering this learning in a variety of formats which will include, but not be limited to, the use of Schoology, SeeSaw, and Zoom.  The learning experiences may be either synchronous, asynchronous, or both. Note: teachers may not be directly engaging with students each day, but rather, providing them with opportunities to learn material with routine opportunities for that direct connection. 
    3. The completion of learning experiences on the part of the student will remain flexible with respect to time, given that many students (especially our older students) are being called upon for childcare, etc. 
    4. If being provided, teachers will coordinate their synchronous experiences, to the best of their ability, to minimize conflicts. 
    5. All of our educators will be setting up a time each week to connect with their students.  The purpose of these check ins will be to answer questions, stay connected, and just in general, maintain the relationships that have been built throughout this year.  This connection may involve virtual office hours, direct emails, phone calls, etc.  Connections will be scheduled so that students/parents can plan accordingly. 
    6. FRES, TCMS, and BHS teachers will be emailing their students and parents of students a minimum of once per week. CRPS teachers will be emailing their students’ parents a minimum of once per week.  The purpose of these emails is to maintain connections and promote engagement in the provided activities.  
    7. Teachers will make every effort to identify students/families who are not engaging and work in conjunction with administration and mental health staff to reengage the student(s) 
    8. Parents will receive a weekly update from principals, highlighting the news of the week and providing general updates for planning purposes. 
    9. Mental health staff will continue to reach out to students/families who may need assistance.