Classroom Information
Grades are updated on Parent Portal regularly.
Parents are encouraged to use teacher e-mail if you would like details regarding your student's performance.Please use the calender to view past, present, and some future assignments. Students should have an assignment notebook to write down assignments. To be eligible for full credit on an assignment students must submit work on or before due date.
If you are absent you need to see Mr. Law to get any missed work and you should expect to have to sit with your teacher for up to 45 minutes to make up missed work.
To get help from you teacher outside class, you are welcome to walk in my office as long as you check my schedule first and make sure i'm not eating lunch or something. My schedule is posted outside our classroom [and will also be available on Schoology]. I'm afterschool on most days and you can usually walk in for help, but I recommend you check with me if you want to make it an appointment.
Your report card grades will be 50% test scores. You must be prepared for tests to score well. Tests are every 2-3 weeks. Test Learning Objectives are in Unit Packets correlated with the text chapters, in the text, and under RESOURSES on the homepage. Review classes are held the afternoon (2:45 pm) before and morning of (7 am) the exam day. Tests are not reviewed in class; however, students are encouraged and sometimes required to review their exam with the teacher outside class depending on performance. Extra credit is awarded to students who review their exam and make corrections.
Mr. Law's most important homeworks are the Directed Readings based on our text. Students take 1+ week to complete the DR and generally submit them on the exam day. DRs are important because they facilitate text use and the text is a valuable comprehensive resource for students.
One day each cycle, students are scheduled in a double period Bio-laboratory. Lab reports are required and are usually due the next lab day. Use the lab format (homepage). Lab data is often posted under RESOURCES so that students have access to data online. NYS requires LE students to complete 1200 minutes of lab work to be eligible to sit for the exam and earn course credit. Failure to complete required labs results in automatic course failure and no summer school opportunity (no lab).