• COVID Update April 14, 2022

    Schools are distributing home COVID test kits to students today. You can use them as you see fit. However, we think it would be helpful if families tested their students prior to returning to school from spring break to prevent any potential spread. Here are today’s case numbers: 

    CRPS: As of today, 9 students or staff were out of school due to COVID. Since last week, there have been a total of 10 students or staff out due to COVID.  

    FRES: As of today, 13 students or staff were out of school due to COVID. Since last week, there have been a total of 20 students or staff out due to COVID. 

    TCMS: As of today, 8 students or staff were out of school due to COVID. Since last week, there have been a total of 18 students or staff out due to COVID.  

    BHS: As of today, 10 students or staff were out of school due to COVID. Since last week, there have been a total of 12 students or staff out due to COVID.