• Changes in COVID Testing to Stay in School

    We’re excited that a new protocol has been developed as a result of discussions with our school physician and the Monroe County Department of Public Health, and a review of updated New York State Department of Health guidelines. Rapid tests will now play a role in the process. Please note: 

    1. If a child in school exhibits symptoms that in the professional judgement of their school nurses are serious enough to send the child home, the nurse will call the parent to obtain verbal consent to test the student in school and tell the parent they need to pick up their child. If the test is negative, the student can return to school the next day as long as the student is fever free for 24 hours, and symptoms are improving.  Symptoms that are considered “serious” include vomiting, a fever greater than 100, excessive coughing, excessive nasal drainage, etc.
    2. If a child presents with what the nurses consider to be minor symptoms (i.e. mild headache, scratchy throat, minor congestion), the nurse will then call the parent, obtain verbal consent to test the student in school, and the student will be able to remain in school if the test is negative.