• Important School Masking Update — Feb. 28, 2022

    Dear Families,

    I am writing to follow-up on Sunday’s masking announcement. We have yet to receive updated guidance and specific rules regarding masks. However, we are participating in discussions on Tuesday that might shed light on a variety of questions, such as, when a student returns in five days after being positive, should they be masking? We recognize that there are many details and wrinkles. We’re as anxious as you are to find out the answers.

    As of now, and based on announcements today from Monroe County, we are planning that masks will no longer be required in any way in the school setting beginning Wednesday, March 2. This includes on school buses and for any school activity. Essentially, any masking at school will entirely be by choice.

    When we have more information or additional details, we will send it your way in an update Tuesday or in the Wednesday COVID update.

    As mentioned Sunday, we are very glad to be learning more about the effectiveness of a KN or N-95 mask in preventing the spread of COVID, even when you are only wearing it as an individual. To that end, we want to make sure that our school environment is one entirely supportive of choice, now that the choice has been supported by public health guidance. One should feel just as comfortable choosing to wear a mask as another feels in not wearing one. There are a variety of reasons why individuals may choose to wear a mask and their choice will be warmly supported just as much the individuals who are choosing not to mask at this time. Each school will be reinforcing this message and have every expectation that masking will be comfortable for those that choose to do so. We’ve been in it together, let’s keep it that way.

    We are glad to have been provided a limited supply of KN-95 masks for use by students and staff members who are interested in using them for their own protection. If you would like one for your student at the K-5 level, please click here to indicate that by noon on Tuesday, March 1. Please fill out the form separately for each of your students. Your child will be given a mask through their teacher to take home tomorrow. If you are the caregiver of a 6-12 student, they can simply stop in the office after 11 a.m. Tuesday and ask for a mask.

    Thank you again for your patience. We’re almost there, and again, glad to be there together.


    Kevin McGowan, Ed.D.
    Superintendent of Schools