• COVID Update — Feb. 9, 2022 

    Dear Families,   

    We’re excited to see another week of low case numbers. Current cases at each building total: 

    Council Rock Primary School: 3 

    French Road Elementary School: 6 

    Twelve Corners Middle School: 6 

    Brighton High School: 0 

    So given these low case numbers, declining numbers regionally, and a high vaccination rate as reported last week, you’re probably wondering, are we almost done with this? We are too. It is a relief to know that we’re heading in the right direction. We’re certainly cautiously optimistic that we will soon be ready to move toward measures that acknowledge what it will be like to live with COVID in ways that manage the risk of transmission in order to keep each other safe, while finding balance in the restrictions that impact us in other ways. 

    Each and every day, we are considering the potential impact of changes to mitigation strategies versus the benefit. We are studying, researching, consulting with medical professionals, and advocating with leaders locally and throughout the state. We recognize that there are very strong feelings and opinions on all sides of these issues as well. Our focus remains on health and safety for all, following the guidance and recommendations of local, state, and national agencies, and understanding how we can be safe while supporting the needs of students, staff, and families. 

    In our many discussions with leaders, such as at the Monroe County School Boards Association legislative breakfast this past weekend, we have advocated for a thoughtful, clear, transparent, pragmatic “off ramp” or “exit strategy.” We have joined in other advocacy efforts as well in asking for clear metrics, measurable conditions for change, and an opportunity to discuss flexibility based on current conditions (please see the attached letter to Governor Hochul from the Monroe County Council of School Superintendents). Throughout these efforts, we have not encouraged an early end to mitigation strategies, nor have we taken a position other than to support what epidemiologists and health experts are advising.   

    The Governor has indicated that the school mask mandate will remain in place for the time being, but that data is being reviewed and this approach may change at some point in the coming months. Please know that we are continually engaged in these discussions and communicating the strong feelings in support of and not in support of masking. We are also developing plans for what a post-mandate masking plan could look like with clear metrics and a recognition of the need to look at how and when masks are most effective or most important as a mitigation strategy. All of our internal work is and will be dependent on evolving conditions, public health guidance, state policy, and the best information from health professionals at the time. Our current procedures are still in place and we expect them to be throughout February at the very least. I simply wanted you to know what some of our current thinking is on the topic and the role we are playing in the discussion. 

    For more information and to hear a discussion I had on this topic with Evan Dawson on WXXI’s Connections today, please click here. 

    Thank you again for all that you are doing to be patient, thoughtful, caring for others, and respectful of varying perspectives. You are keeping yourselves and others safe and it is most appreciated. 


    Kevin McGowan, Ed.D. 
    Superintendent of Schools