• COVID Update — Feb. 2, 2022 

    Dear Families, 

    Great news, our COVID numbers continue to drop! Please note the following current positive individuals are in isolation: 

    Brighton High School: 2 

    Twelve Corners Middle School: 3 

    French Road Elementary School: 3 

    Council Rock Primary School: 2  

    No word yet on masking. The court’s decision has been “stayed” until March 2 or until another resolution is reached. We are in the process of considering next steps for the District should there be a change in state requirements. At its meeting last night, the Board of Education began the policy review process. It is important to note that “policy” in this sense does not mean the actual plan, but rather the articulation of what the District will consider when developing an approach to masking should the decision become a local one. Factors being considered in our analysis include: 

    • Absenteeism 
    • Rate of infection 
    • Ability to provide alternative mitigation strategies 
    • Advice and guidance of public health officials, the school physician, the CDC, NYSDOH, MCDPH, and in-district health office staff members 
    • The ability of the District to effectively provide other mitigating strategies such as distance between individuals 
    • The ability of the District to effectively trace potential exposures 

    As written in last week’s update, once the case is decided, we will: 

    • Review the decision with our counsel to determine our legal responsibility. 
    • Review our own policies, procedures, and health and safety measures. 
    • Review our experiences thus far and the in-district impact of masking on transmission. 
    • Review advice from our School District Physician and other applicable public health authorities such as the Monroe County Department of Public Health. 
    • Review policies and regulations provided by the State Education Department and the New York State Department of Health. 
    • Communicate the result of these reviews and the District’s approach to mitigation, including masking.   

    In the interim, please note that mandatory masking by all students, staff, and visitors remains in place in all facilities and on all buses. Thank you for your support.  

    Stay well and thank you again for all that you have done and are doing to keep yourselves and each other healthy.   


    Kevin McGowan, Ed.D. 
    Superintendent of Schools