
  • Instructional or

    Access Area

    Standard Tools

    Modifications and Accommodations of Task and Expectations

    Assistive Technology Solutions


    Write name

    Copy letters/words/numbers      for skills practice

    Write words from memory

    Copy print from book or   worksheet

    Copy notes from board or overhead

    Complete written worksheets   with single word responses        (fill-in-the blank)

    Complete written worksheets   with phrase or sentence    response

    Complete written test with multiple choice response (circle/mark answer)

    Complete written test and forms with fill-in-the-blank response

    Complete written test with matching response

    Complete written test with phrase/sentence (short answer)

    Complete written test with essay response (multi-paragraph) Record notes from teacher dictation/lecture with teacher recording notes on board/overhead

    Record notes from teacher dictation/lecture without teacher notes

    Generate creative/spontaneous writing samples

    Copy numbers

    Enter number in correct location within calculation problems

    Copy math calculation problems with correct alignment


    Record dictated math calculation problems with correct alignment

    Copy diagrams and graphs


    create and plot linear and quadratic equations on graph





    Letter and number strip



    Computer with word processing software with grammar and spell checker

    Instructional software to remediate and enhance specific writing skills



    Increased time for completing assignments

    Decreased length of assignment/number of    responses

    Oral dictation as an alternative    to writing

    Peer note taker

    Format of assignment changed   to meet need of student -  multiple choice, matching word banks, fill-in-the-blank, short answer

    Word banks, sentence starters, and cloze format writing   activities for supports

    Provide typed outline or typed copy of lecture notes to student prior to delivery for student to  use to follow lecture

    Student highlights key points on printed copy of notes rather than copying/recording lecture notes

    Webbing-concept mapping strategy used



    Pencil grip or other adapted writing aids

    Adapted paper (bold line, raised line, different spacing, secured to desk, paper stabilizers)

    Slant board

    Personal dry erase board

    Non-slip writing surface (e.g. dycem)

    Tape recorder or digital recorder for dictated responses and note taking

    Portable word processor (e.g. AlphaSmart Neo, The Writer Fusion, etc.)

    Notetaking device (e.g. Braille, adapted tape/digital recorder, smartboard, Notetaker, Iris Pen)

    Computer with word processing software with spell and grammar checks (e.g. Microsoft Word)

    Computer with word processing software and outlining/webbing software (e.g. Inspiration or Kidspiration, Draft:Builder)

    Computer with graphic-based word processor (e.g. Writing with Symbols)

    Computer with talking word processing software (e.g. Write Out:Loud, Classroom Suite, Talking Word Processor)

    Computer with word prediction software (e.g. Co:Writer, WordQ)

    Computer with graphic based word processor (e.g. Writing with Symbols)

    Scanner and computer with form filling software to create electronic worksheets

    Computer-based advanced reading and writing aids (e.g. Kurzweil 3000, WYNN, Read & Write Gold)


    *Adaptive input hardware and/or software (e.g. keyguard, keyboard utilities, enlarged keyboard, touchscreen, on-screen keyboard,

    trackball, switch access, voice dictation software, Braille input) and adaptive output solutions (screen enlargement, text or screen reading software) to be used as needed for all computer based writing solutions