Aids to Daily Living

  • Instructional or Access Area

    Standard Tools

    Modifications and Accommodations of Task and Expectations

    Assistive Technology Solutions

    Feed self-using appropriate utensils

    Drink using appropriate utensils

    Prepare simple snack

    Prepare basic meal

    Dress and/or undress self-using appropriate tools

    Complete personal hygiene and grooming tasks (brushing teeth, hair, etc.)

    Toilet self

    Perform simple household chores


    Eating utensils (ex. spoon,   cup, etc.)

    Personal hygiene tools              (ex: toothbrush, comb, brush, etc.)

    Toileting supplies (ex: tissue)

    Bathroom rails and adaptive faucet handles

    Cleaning materials and appliances


    Verbal prompts

    Modeling appropriate skills

    Picture cures and prompts

    Additional time to complete tasks

    Modification of task length and complexity


    Adapted eating aids (e.g. grips for standard eating utensils, adapted cups/glasses, etc.) Feeding machines

    Adapted dressing aids (e.g. button holers, pulls for zippers, Velcro fasteners, etc.)

    Adapted cooking and food preparation aids (e.g. blender attached to power control unit, adapted pouring handles, etc.)

    See other sections of this document for leisure, vocational, mobility, and learning aids.)

    Adapted household cleaning tools and appliances