About Twelve Corners Middle School
Twelve Corners Middle School is located in Rochester, New York in the suburb of Brighton. Our school has approximately 940 students in grades six through eight and we are the only middle school in the district. We offer a rich curriculum for our students with plenty of extracurricular clubs, opportunities in visual and performing arts, along with participation in intramurals and interscholastic athletics.
In 2006 we were honored to be recognized as a New York State Essential Elements School to Watch by the New York State Middle School Association. We were re-designated in 2009, 2012, 2015, 2018, and 2021 and are very proud of our involvement in this program.
We have high expectations for our students and an able student population with supportive parents and community. Our focus is student-centered and designed to develop the social, emotional, physical and academic needs of our children. Students and teachers are grouped on one of three homogeneous teams at each grade level and most classes meet every other day for 81 minutes during our six-day cycle. Our teachers have common planning time each day and a school counselor is assigned to work with each team.
We promote positive behavior through our district-wide "Brighton Believes" slogan, which includes emphasis on respect, responsibility, self-control, integrity and kindness in our school community. Each fall all of our 6th graders participate in a two day Outdoor Education Program filled with camp activities and team building games. Our 7th graders participate in the Washington D.C. trip around the last week in March and our 8th graders enjoy trips with their foreign language classes to New York City (Spanish), Quebec City (French) and Stowe, Vermont (German). You can use our website calendar to track these events and many more throughout the school year.
Twelve Corners Middle School
2643 Elmwood Ave.
Rochester, NY 14618