Inclusive Behavior Instruction:
The West Hills Stem ModelWest Hills STEM Academy uses a model called Inclusive Behavior Instruction. This model is a proactive approach to teaching social and behavior skills. Students in need of additional support are identified through a multi-level (or tiered) process and are provided with supports at school to help prevent additional misbehavior.
West Hills STEM Academy implements a Three-Tiered Approach to Behavioral Supports.
- Our first tier (or level one) is aimed at meeting the needs of the majority of our students. This tier is called PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions and Support). Our Westies, Student of the Month, and other positive behavior supports are a part of this tier. Biweekly counselor lessons also make up this tier.
- Our second tier (or level two) is aimed at meeting the needs of the students who need more support than most students. They get additional supports through Social Skills groups, Alternative Recess, and meeting with the counselor on a more regular and individualized basis.
- Our third tier (or level three) is aimed at meeting the needs of students who struggle more significantly with their social and emotional learning. They may have additional social and behavioral groups or may attend more than one group. Many of the supports for these students are individualized for their specific learning needs.
This film shows how our model of Behavior Support is a proactive approach that emphasizes positive goals and expectations so all students can be successful with their behavior in school.
- Our first tier (or level one) is aimed at meeting the needs of the majority of our students. This tier is called PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions and Support). Our Westies, Student of the Month, and other positive behavior supports are a part of this tier. Biweekly counselor lessons also make up this tier.