• Student Awards and Achievements

    Students are given Westies when they are caught being safe, responsible, or respectful.  Teachers keep a jar of Westies in their classrooms.  Westies are drawn from the jar at random times throughout the week at the teacher’s discretion. Schoolwide, Westies are collected and contribute to a Free Dress Day for all.    
    Student of the Month
    Teachers choose one student each month based on the Habit of Mind that is being focused on for the month.  Student receives certificate and prize during a class recognition with the Counselor and Assistant Principal.
    Perfect Attendance
    Each month all students with perfect attendance are recognized in our Attendance Heroes Board (Here, Everyday, Ready, and On Time) and will also receive a prize. 
    Student Self Managers 
    The self-manager program at the West Hills STEM Academy is an opportunity for the students to demonstrate their understanding and application of the rules of our school. Students who practice responsibility, respectfulness, and safety can apply for this program. Upon acceptance, the students then model the appropriate West Hills behavior while walking the halls and participating in classroom lessons and activities. As a self-manager, students will be given certain privileges such as leaving for lunch early, walking in the halls without a pass, and leading activities in the classroom.  It is an honor to be recognized as a self-manager and it is a positive goal for students to achieve. 
    Brag Tag Door Swag
    Classrooms have the oppurtunity to be awarded based on behavioral achievements, ranging from knowing the CHAMP's Expectations in our Common Areas, to having all Technology Usage Forms turned in, to being in Uniform every day.
    The Golden Trashcan and Golden Lunch Tub
    Classrooms have the oppurtunity to be rewarded based onr especting their school and leaving their classroom and lunch area clean. Each month, a classroom will be recognized for their achievement with the usage of a golden trashcan or golden lunch tub.