Peaceful Schools and Playgrounds

  • West Hills STEM Academy is taking part in the Peaceful Schools Initiative. This initiative emphasizes the importance of Social Emotional Learning in the development of the whole child
    We know that in order to raise achievement and help children reach their college and career goals, we need to provide both a rigorous academic and social and emotional climate in which all children are able to learn and grow.  
    Children learn best in a calm and nurturing environment, where children and adults are respectful, responsible and safe. This is often referred to as a “Relaxed State of Alertness”. This is a state where the child’s brain is open for challenges and is working optimally to problem solve.  
    As part of this initiative, students will also be learning about Peaceful Playgrounds. The goal is to teach students how to play safely and engage in positive social learning behaviors. We have designed various supports to help students with managing their social emotional learning, including alternative options for recess, cool down breaks away from the recess area, and consistent and clear expectations for playground use and play
    Peaceful Playgrounds enhances learning, prevents bullying, and promotes positive social interactions on the playground. 
    Over the past five years, we have been working with experts in the field to provide training to assist principals and staff at each school to build a school wide positive behavior intervention and support system.

    Here is a list of current professional development and information on each:

Peaceful Schools Flyer
  • What can I do as a parent/guardian/community member?

    • Learn more about social and emotional learning  and what your school is doing.
    • Support our schools by modeling these positive behaviors when on the school campus or bus stop
    • Support and encourage other family members to do the same when on school grounds/volunteering.  

    It is important to note that this is not a judgement on how families support their child’s social and emotional development at home.  Families may vary on their expectations on behavior in their own environment.  We are asking that you help us support transforming our school culture into a positive, calm and respectful climate of learning.