• Health Services Mission Statement

    The goal of Health Services is to ensure the medical needs of all students are met. This shall be accomplished by working with the student, their family, staff, Health Care Providers and the community through open communications, ongoing education and providing a positive working relationship to maintain correct health information about each student.

    To develop, implement and evaluate individual care plans for each student. These plans are an ongoing guideline to monitor student’ health needs. The needs identified shall have health care provided under the direction of the School Nurse and written physician orders, to include medication administrations and health care procedures and services to assist each student to have a quality and safe school experience.

    To monitor each school’s Health Room procedures and services, maintaining high health care standards for all the students, staff and the community. This shall be accomplished by records, audits, ongoing staff education and training and adhering to health and safety standard set by regulations, policies and laws that govern the Bremerton School District and Washington State public schools.

    To maintain and enforce the laws and regulations set by the Nursing Practice Act, Bremerton School District, Washington state and federal government and meet the needs of our students, staff and community in regards to school health care.
Last Modified on June 27, 2011