• Hello Trojan Families! I am Dr. Amanda Bentley. I am proud to be the Principal of this wonderful school. During the course of my career, I have worked first and foremost to do what is best for students and to develop meaningful relationships with students, families and staff alike, in order to benefit the school. 

    The staff, teachers, and students at Hillcrest are a spirited group. The school pride is evident, and I intend to help continue to grow that school spirit and positive culture on campus and in the community. A few of the avenues Hillcrest offers to build and maintain relationships between students, staff and the school are the AVID program, ASB, Renaissance Council, Greatness Within, Black Student Union and a variety of clubs that allow the diverse student population to be involved and connected with each other.

    The Trojan PRIDE values of Perseverance, Responsibility, Innovation, Diversity, and Excellence, are apparent here on campus. Hillcrest offers a wide variety of rigorous courses, VAPA offerings in drama, art, instrumental music and choral music, as well as championship athletic programs. These opportunities as well as the PRIDE values help students focus on excellence in all areas.

    The Hillcrest team continues to focus on analyzing instructional practices and student achievement data, in order to guide professional development to improve student outcomes and overall school success. I am excited to work with the team to build on this focus of instructional improvement to the benefit of our students.

    Again, I am thrilled to serve as principal at Hillcrest High School. I look forward to a successful 2023-2024 school year!

    Whether you see me on campus during the school day, in the evening at events, or out in the community, please do not hesitate to say hello. 

    Go Trojans!