• Character Counts!

    Character Education is an integral part of the PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports) at Foothill Elementary.  The Second Step curriculum is a classroom-based program designed to teach children how to understand and manage their emotions. The Second Step lessons include: engaging songs and games, activities and take-home materials to reinforce learning. 


    How can you (the parent/guardian) get involved?

    That is a great question! You can help instill these traits in your student by speaking of and modeling the traits at home. Praise your student when he/she comes home and tells you they were Caught Soaring and encourage them to continue those positive choices that led him/her to receiving that award. Start pointing out when you see your student exhibiting one of these traits. They will be so excited that you noticed that they will want to keep up the good behavior!

    Our six pillars of Character are:

    Caring, Citizenship, Fairness, Responsibility, Trustworthiness, Respect





Second Step