Parent Resources

  • Below are suggested online resources for our parents and families.  



    1-2-3 Magic:  Effective Discipline for Children age 2-12, Thomas W. Phelan PhD.

           also available in Spanish


    All About Attention Deficit Disorder, Thomas W. Phelan PhD.


    Julie Cook books from Boys Town Press, dealing with various topics such as: anger, worrying, bullying, working with others, tattling, 



  • contact us

    Office Hours:

    Monday - Friday

                                                                                                     By Appointment Only

    7:30 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. 

    2:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.


    Other times during the work day are possible as well based on counselor schedule of availability


    Phone: (951) 358-1610


    Craig Rozdilsky

    Foothill - School Counselor