Half Time

  • HALF-Time is a free after school program for elementary school students.  Identified students in need of targeted intervention are given priority based on teacher and/or administration recommendation. Following the admission of targeted students, additional students are added to the program on a first-come, first served basis. The program offers an hour of homework assistance with trained staff, an hour of computer based reading and math intervention/tutorial, a nutritional snack, and an hour of indoor and outdoor activities that are both fun and educational. Some activities offered include: arts & crafts; recreation such as jump rope, hula-hoops, and dance; and a cultural awareness program designed to introduce children to different cultures across the United States and around the world. 


    Program Hours

    The After School Program operates Monday through Friday beginning immediately after the end of the regular school day until 6:30pm.



    Daily Operations

    The HALF-Time program consist of three components per day:
    • Academic – providing tutoring and/or homework assistance.
    • Enrichment – offering positive youth development through activities such as visual and performing arts, music, and activities that complement the school’s academics.
    • Recreation – activities designed to promote physical activity, health and nutrition.


    A nutritional snack  and supper is provided daily to students participating in the after school program.





  • http://www.stfrancis.k12.mn.us/uploaded/departments/community_ed/youthprograms/After_School_enrich_C_12_13.jpg


    Foothill Half Time Staff

    Paola Garza



    Upcoming Foothill Half Time Activities