• Action Teams for Partnership (ATP)

    ATP is a group of parents, teachers and administrators that meet monthly to develop a plan to increase parent engagement. Research indicates that partnerships contribute to good schools and successful students.  The goal of ATP is to increase student achievement by proiding educational opportunities to build parent capacity to better support learning in the home.   ATP develops an action plan to address the 6 keys of parent involvement:  parenting, communicating, volunteering, learning at home, decision making, and collaborating with the community. 

    Action Plan Items for 2018-2019

    • Parent Involvement  Week--District wide event.  Our event will include picnic lunch and classroom activities
    • Parent University--6 classes to address each of the 6 keys of parent involvement.  Classes are once a month in the morning
    • Family Nights--3 nights of theme related activities and games for parents and students to partipcate in (Math, Science, ELA, Health) 
    • Family Tuesdays--each month beginning in October, one grade level will host a classroom event for parents


  • ATP Members 2018-2019

    **Meetings are open to all parents and community members.

    Israel Avila, Principal

    Francine Ramirez, Assistant Principal

    Philip Lee, Instructional Coach

    Gwenett Mendez, Lead Teacher

    Neena Prady, Teacher

    Heudi Powers, Teacher

    Marcela Vasquez, Teacher

    Denise Chesebro, Teacher

    Erica Antram, Teacher 

    Martha Palomares, Parent

    Yvette Ramirez, Parent

    TBD, Parent

    TBD Parent

    **New members pending




  • ATP Meeting Dates 2018-2019

    **All meetings are on Weds. at 2:30pm in Room 30

    August 22

    September 26

    October 24

    November 28

    January 23

    February 27

    March 20

    April 24

    May 22