• Unit 6: Engaging Scenario: Personal Presentation—The Quest for Love


    Task: “Love makes the world go round” is a quote many people believe in whole-heartedly. However, there are many types of love, among them familial love, friendship love, and romantic love.  All of these are very important, and in fact truly do make life better as the world goes round. Finding these loves, on the other hand, is not always easy, and sometimes involves one looking deep inside themselves to find them. This is not always an easy process, but putting ideas down in a personal presentation can help students come to terms in their search for love.


    Students will create a personal presentation using Microsoft PowerPoint or Google Slides.  The presentation will focus on students’ quests to find their various loves by utilizing the following guidelines as they interpret and justify their findings:


    General (You will have a total of 6-12 slides for your completed presentation)

    • A title slide that includes an original title, a current picture that represents love in general to you, and your name (slide 1).
    • An introduction that identifies the three types of love mentioned above. Include a picture to go with each love (slide 2).


    Familial Love (1-3 slides, 1 picture and paragraph per slide plus additional clipart, sounds, etc.)

    • Choose family pictures that are very important to you. These pictures should convey feelings of love involving your family.
    • Write an IVF Summary Paragraph that explains each main picture and its importance to you.


    Friendship Love (1-3 slides, 1 picture and paragraph per slide plus additional clipart, sounds, etc.)

    • Choose pictures of friends that are very important to you. These pictures should convey feelings of love involving your friends.
    • Write an IVF Summary Paragraph that explains each main picture and its importance to you.


    Romantic Love (1-3 slides, 1 image and paragraph per slide plus additional clipart, sounds, etc.)

    • Choose personal photos or Internet images that represent your ideals of romantic love. These pictures do not need to be of a specific person, but should convey your feelings of what romantic love is (keep it school appropriate).
    • Write an IVF Summary Paragraph that explains each main picture and its importance to you.


    Conclusion (1 slide)

    • Choose one picture of some type of love that BEST portrays your feelings of that type (choose a picture that you have not already used).
    • Write an Eight Sentence Paragraph that explains why this is your favorite picture of this type of love.



    ELA Standard: W2: Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas and analysis of content.



    Technologically innovative students will demonstrate computer literacy; manage data efficiently; manipulate print and digital media to communicate ideas; examine web-based information for research purposes; utilize technology responsibly and ethically; and access information that supports college and career readiness.


    Self-Driven students will demonstrate self-respect; develop personal integrity; build self-confidence; demonstrate responsibility in personal actions; and apply tenacity when problem solving.