Welcome to the Wellsville CSD Music Department page!

Music Team

  • Mr. A. Wixson - ES rm. 88 - 5th Grade Band and General Music PreK, K, 2, 3, 4, 5

    596-2122 ext. 3064 

    Mr. J. Joslyn - 6-12th Grade Wind, Brass, Woodwind & Percussion lessons, 6-12 Band Ensembles, 6th Grade General Music

    596-2170 ext. 5145 @JoslynJeffrey (Twitter)

    Mr. N. Luthart - 5-12th Grade String lessons & Orchestra Ensembles, 7th Grade General Music 

    596-2170  ext. 5133

    Mrs. K. Suzano - 4-12 Vocal music, 1st Grade General Music

    596-2170 ext.  5134
  • Music


  • There are no upcoming events to display.