• Welcome to Band and Orchestra!

    Learning how to play an instrument is fun, challenging, and rewarding. The other musicians in your ensemble (band or orchestra) will become your friends and your team. You will learn not only how to play your instrument, but you'll learn how to speak and read another language - music. It's an experience you won't regret trying!
    If you've never played an instrument before, don't worry! ANYONE can learn to play an instrument at ANY time... you don't need any special "talent." Our friendly music teachers are here to teach you how to do it, and guide you through the process. Nobody really sounds good as a beginner, but the harder you work, the better you will sound, and your friends will be getting better with you along the way!
    Check out the "Choose Your Instrument!" page to learn about each instrument, and hear sound clips. Try to pick 3 instruments from the page that you can see yourself playing! Then we can try them out and see which one would be the best fit for you. 
     Have questions? Contact our music teachers below!
    Mr. Wixson, Beginning Band - awixson@wlsv.org
    Mr. Luthart, 5-12th Orchestra - nluthart@wlsv.org
    Mr. Joslyn, 6-12th Grade Band - jjoslyn@wlsv.org