• FSA Testing

    This is a very special reminder for this week.

    Our 3rd and 4th grade students will be taking the Florida Standards Assessment Monday through Thursday. We know that they are prepared, and we are excited about the opportunity for them to show what they know. We know that children perform best when they are rested, healthy, and well-nourished. Please help them to get a good night's sleep and have them up early for breakfast.

    Students will begin testing first thing in the morning. It is important to note that students who arrive after 9:10am will not be permitted to enter testing rooms, and will have to complete a makeup session the following day. Testing sessions that are started must be completed that day. Students that begin a test and become ill will unfortunately not be permitted to complete the test; therefore if your child indicates that they are not well, please keep them home to include them in a makeup session.

    Each year our PTO is glad to provide our special testing shirts to show unified support. We are still accepting donations of $5 to help offset the cost. They will the leave their shirts here to wear over their clothes and take home and the conclusion of the test. Our theme this year is Keep Calm and Believe in Yourself. All of the students and staff here at NAES certainly believe in you.