Through my studies I have come to respect many experts in the field of Gifted Education. Here are a few sites you may find interesting: |
| Meeting the Need of Gifted Students in the Regular Classroom |
What is Giftedness? | A Different Place - Curriculum Units |
Characteristics | ERIC DIGEST- Challenging Gifted Students in the Regular Classroom |
Gifted Articles at Edutopia | ERIC DIGEST - Providing Curriculum Alternatives to Motivate Gifted Students |
Visual Spatial Learners ( High Visual Perception) | |
Bitmap From Florida Department of Education | Bitmap State Laws & Regulations, Publications, Technical Papers, Resources |
Acceleration of Gifted Students | Teacher Resources: Units, Lesson Plans, Activities |
Bitmap National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) | There are some units/lesson plans here that are good for gifted and high ability students that are not self directed lessons for students to complete on computer. You will need to print these units for children or use them for your class in the computer lab. |
What is Exceptional Student Education for Children Who are Gifted? | Curriculum Units of Study for Gifted Students in the Regular Classroom |
Florida Association for the Gifted (FLAG) | Websites that are appropriate for all children, but particularly good for gifted students because there are different levels and can be challenging. |
Florida Gifted Network (FGN) | |
Council for Excetptional Children Talented and Gifted | |
Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted (SENG) | |
Hoagies Gifted Education | |
Asperger Syndrome - Autism | |
Gifted/ADHD - Article #1 | |
Gifted/ADHD - Article #2 | |
Governor's Summer Program for Gifted and High Achieving Students | |
Handbook for Parents of Students who are Gifted | |