Do the Right Thing
  • A program adopted by the Punta Gorda Police Department in 1995, dubbed “Do the Right Thing,” is working to instill positive attitudes and self-esteem in local youth by publicly recognizing them for their achievements, whether their accomplishments involve academics, athletics, community service, conservation, or any other effort where a child is trying his or her best to “do the right thing”.

    Every month, five local Charlotte County children are selected from a pool of nominees for their outstanding efforts. The children may attend any school or be home-schooled in Charlotte County. All five students receive trophies, certificates gifts from local businesses, a certificate of recognition from the Chief of Police, and a "Do the Right Thing" T-shirt. 

    Principals, teachers, parents, business leaders and community members are encouraged to nominate children for the "Do the Right Thing" award. Nominations may be submitted through our site by filling out the following form.