

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Allese

I hope everyone is well!  Please sign up for your grade level remind so that I am able to communicate with you and your child during this distance learning experience.

 OFFICE HOURS 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Kindergarten - Text to 81010  Message: @e2c6g9

Second Grade  - Text To 81010  Message: @8k3g27

  • Photo of Bunnies

E-Learning Schedule


    K1- Tues & Thurs  9-9:30

    K2- Tues & Fri 10-10:30

    K3- Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri  11-11:30

    K4- Tues & Thurs 12-12:30

    K5- Wed & Frid 12-12:30



    S1  Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri  1-1:45                                               

    S2 Tues & Thurs 2-2:45

    S3  Wed & Fri  2-2:45

    S4  Wed 10-10:30 and Fri 9-9:30