Special Area E-Learning

  • The Hero Two Doors Down


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  • Dragon

    More Reading with Mrs. Kipfinger

    • Mrs. Kipfinger has developed e-Learning read alouds of Dragon with a Chocolate Heart. Pick up where you left off with Aventurine, Silke, and all the characters to see what is happening in the story.  New chapters will be posted weekly, so check it out!

    • CLICK HERE to go to Mrs. Kipfinger's Read Alouds page and find your Specials Class' Teacher Name. That title is the link to the read aloud. Follow the directions to have Mrs. Kipfinger read your current chapter to Dragon with a Chocloate Heart.

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Quaver Song of the Month "Hickory, Dickory Dock"
Austin Otto's Quarantine Song

Check Out This Fun Bubble Activity!



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    Make Water Walk

    1. Click the video below to watch this cool experiment.

    2. If you have the materials at home try it with an adult.

    3. Draw and write about your observations in your science journal.

    Remember to date and label your entries to keep yourself organized.

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Thank you

Mr. Eyrich's Virtual Field Trips!

Field Trip #11 & 12
Field Trip #10
Field Trip #9
Field Trip #8
Sand Hill Cranes
Field Trip #7
Field Trip #6
Field Trip #5
Field Trip #4
Field Trip #3
Field Trip #2
Field Trip #1