Welcome to Murdock Middle’s (Virtual) Counseling Office
At Murdock Middle School, we want all of our students and parents to be able to access information that is helpful to their education, mental health and create responsible individuals who are able to make a difference in society.
This site was created to help students, their parents, educators and the community find resources and information that will help our children and families to have a successful middle school experience.
We realize that the “middle years” are some of the most stressful and difficult ones that students and their families may have. This is a time for students to grow and change into the young adults they will be when they move into high school. It is also a time for parents to allow their children to become more responsible for themselves, while still being a guide and a support for them as they maneuver through the rough seas that they will be sailing.
We hope that you are able to find helpful information on this site. Feel free to contact us!
~Murdock Middle Counselors
Mrs. Tavares, ALL Grades (6, 7, & 8) A-L
Ms. Ceballos, ALL Grades (6, 7, & 8) M-Z