Phone: (941) 255-7450
Email: julianne.sterbutzel@yourcharlotteschools.net
Degrees and Certifications:
B.S. Psychology
M.A. Psychology
M.Ed. School Counseling
Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA)
Certified School Counselor (FL)
Certified ESE Teacher Pk-12
Ms. Sterbutzel
My School Counseling Website: https://sites.google.com/yourcharlotteschools.net/mrs-sterbutzels-counseling-pag/home
Hey Positive Astros- I have a new page just for Virtual Learning. You can visit it here https://sites.google.com/yourcharlotteschools.net/naes-school-counselor-virtual-/?scrlybrkr=354de5f3
A Little of My History
I am a proud alumni of the Charlotte County Public School System. I went to school in Charlotte County from third grade through high school graduation in 1995 (Go PCHS PIRATES). I have been in the Charlotte County Public School System as an educator since 2002. I taught math and reading for two years at Charlotte High School in the ESE department. I then worked for the district as a Behavior Analyst for from 2004-2017. In 2017, I was blessed with the opportunity to become the School Counselor of Neil Armstrong Elementary School. I believe that all children can succeed given the right supports and taught the right skills. I am also a Board Certified Behavior Analyst which helps me work with students on making positive behavioral changes and teaching new behaviors. My educational background provides me with an unique prospective to transition to school counseling. I have a Bachelor's degree in Psychology from Florida State University and a Master's degree in Psychology from University of the Pacific. I am also a graduate of Lamar University gaining a Master's in School Counseling Degree in May of 2019. I am currently a certified in exceptional student education and school counseling in the State of Florida.
Personal Mission: To provide students and families with support, care, and compassion while helping the students have an exemplary educational experience which includes developing character and competence in every student through academic growth and development, career exploration, and personal/social development.
School Counseling Program Mission: To provide the highest level of support to help develop character and competence in every student through academic growth and development, career exploration, and personal/social development.
Working from home- PE IDEAS
Posted by Julianne Sterbutzel on 3/26/2020Hello Positive Astros
I got to assign PE to my son today. He did Just Dance on his Nitendo Switch. This is a great way to have fun while getting in some physical fitness. We are in the process of making a 30 minute playlist. I can't wait to test out his play list. You never know I might even post a video of it.
Tomorrow is going to be an exciting day, it is chrome book distribution day. I will be waving to you all who will be picking up. I might even wear my shark hat.
I miss seeing you all so much.
Make it a great day or not the choice is yours,
Mrs. Sterbutzel
Welcome to Virtual Learning
Posted by Julianne Sterbutzel on 3/24/2020Good Morning Positive Astros!
As we embark on this new adventure together you may feel some trepidation as I do. We need to remember to stop and breathe. This is new to all of us and we need to give ourselves some grace. We will all make mistakes. Remember with mistakes it is just a new opportunity to learn. Just imagine how well versed we will all be by the end of this. We will all have a new Genius.
By Month
New Site Just For Virtual Leaning