Hello Windsor Unified School District Families and Staff Members,
This is an important message regarding a notification we have received from Pacific Gas and
Electric (PG & E) regarding the Public Safety Power Shutoff. There are no more planned
outages for the Windsor area. All Windsor Unified School District schools have power and will
be open for regularly scheduled classes tomorrow (October 10). Again, all schools will re-open
tomorrow (October 10). Thank you for your patience.
Hola Familias y Empleados del Distrito Escolar de Windsor,
Este es un mensaje importante acerca de un aviso que hemos recibido de parte de Pacific Gas &
Electric (PG&E) y el Apagón de luz para la Seguridad Pública. El Distrito Escolar de Windsor ha
recibido el aviso de que la electricidad será restaurada en todas las escuelas para el día de
mañana (10 de octubre) y sí habrá clases. Repito, todas las escuelas estarán abiertas mañana
(10 de octubre). Gracias por su atención y paciencia.
over 3 years ago, Windsor Unified School District
Hello (School or Windsor Unified School District) Families and Staff Members,
This is an important message regarding a notification we have received from Pacific Gas and Electric (PG & E) regarding a Public Safety Power Shutoff. Due to weather conditions, combined with heightened fire risk, the Windsor Unified School District has been informed that all schools will have their power shut off at least through Thursday. All schools will be closed tomorrow (October 9) and Thursday (October 10) due to the PG & E Public Safety Power Shutoff. We will notify you as soon as reasonably possible when PG &E provides further updates about additional days without power and additional days where schools will be closed. Thank you for your patience.
Hola Familias y Empleados del Distrito Escolar de Windsor,
Este es un mensaje importante acerca de un aviso que hemos recibido de parte de Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) y el Apagón de luz para la Seguridad Pública. Debido a las condiciones del clima actuales, en combinación con el alto riesgo para incendios, el Distrito Escolar de Windsor ha sido notificado que las escuelas estarán sin luz al menos hasta mañana. Todas las escuelas se encontraran cerradas mañana (9 otubre) y jueves 10 otubre) debido al apagón de luz para la seguridad pública de PG&E. Les avisaremos en cuanto sea posible cuando PG&E nos de más información acerca del apagón y si es necesario mantener las escuelas cerradas por más días. Gracias por su atención y paciencia.
over 3 years ago, Windsor Unified School District
Nueva Presents:
The Laramie Project
Thursday (10/10), Friday (10/11) and Saturday (10/12) at 7:00 p.m & Sunday (10/13) at 2:00 p.m.
Students $5, Adults $8
Box Office opens one hour before current.
This play contains mature content and language.
over 3 years ago, Windsor Unified School District
This notice on National Preparedness Month has some helpful hints to be Prepared not Scared!
over 3 years ago, Windsor Unified School District
Strong Schools Strong Community! Great crowd in the Town Green to celebrate Windsor High School and kick-off Homecoming Week!
over 3 years ago, Windsor Unified School District
Athletic Director Jamie Williams brings it all together for the official ribbon cutting! Welcome to your Kirkpatrick Stadium! Go Jags!
over 3 years ago, Windsor Unified School District
Whose House? OUR HOUSE! Dr. Collins Leads the Jaguars
over 3 years ago, Windsor Unified School District
WHS 2019-2020 Varsity Cheer Team shows extreme spirit!!!
over 3 years ago, Windsor Unified School District
WHS Dance Team put on an exciting performance!
over 3 years ago, Windsor Unified School District
WHS Synching Society demonstrate their dance moves!
over 3 years ago, Windsor Unified School District
Mrs Whiteley making sure everything her student leaders planned goes off without a hitch!
over 3 years ago, Windsor Unified School District
Leticia Ruiz belted out an amazing version of the Star Spangled Banner from the new press box!
over 3 years ago, Windsor Unified School District
Student Body President Julia Sawyer introduced dignitaries and opened the Ceremony
over 3 years ago, Windsor Unified School District
Drumline Rocks!
over 3 years ago, Windsor Unified School District
And here comes the T-shirt cannon!
over 3 years ago, Windsor Unified School District
WHS Cheerleaders warm-up the crowd before grand opening starts!
over 3 years ago, Windsor Unified School District
Summer may be over, but Attendance Awareness Month is not- Amy's Wicked Slush generously donated adorable totes and gift cards to help our teachers beat the heat, and encourage school engagement and attendance!
over 3 years ago, Student Services
Who Doesn't Love a Parade???
WHS Homecoming Parade will begin at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, September 28th at the Town Green.
over 3 years ago, Windsor Unified School District
Sharing a PG&E and Sonoma County Announcement
over 3 years ago, Windsor Unified School District
Classrooms, Families and Individuals interested in participating in Scarecrow Days can get more information by going to windsorwe.org. Join your friends on the Town Green for Scarecrow Days (10/19 to 11/2) and for the Harvest Festival (10/26 1:00 - 5:00 p.m.)