WUSD Families:
Please click here to read information regarding CAASPP: https://5il.co/6thy
Familias de WUSD:
Pro favor haga clic aqui para leer la informacion sobre de CAASPP: https://5il.co/6thz
about 4 years ago, Student Services
Commendations at our Board Mtg for excellence in supporting English learners and readers
over 4 years ago, Windsor Unified School District
Tonight's Event at Cali Calmécac ~~ Parenting in the Era of Marijuana Legalization ~~ is open to all Parents and Community members and is sponsored by the Sonoma County Dept. of Health Services, Behavioral Health Division. 6 PM. [adults only] for more information call 707-565-6617
over 4 years ago, Windsor Unified School District
Reminder --- Cali: Today is a free meeting for Cali parents and adults from the community. Mar 5, 6pm "Parenting in the Era of Marijuana Legalization" Hoy habrá una junta informativa y gratis para adultos, 5 marzo, 6pm: La crianza de los hijos en la era de la marihuana legalizada.
over 4 years ago, Windsor Unified School District
Special thanks to Read Across America Participants! Today elementary sites celebrated the birthday of Dr. Seuss by having guest readers share favorite books. We thank the parents, grandparents, friends neighbors, our Superintendent and our Mayor. #readingisfundamental
over 4 years ago, Windsor Unified School District
There will be no after-school tutorial today, February 26th, due to flooding concerns.
over 4 years ago, Allison Griggs
Know Anyone Who
Needs A Prom Dress? The Princess Project is here to help.
Appointments are now available for March 16, April 6, and April 7. If you know any student in need of a FREE prom dress, all they need to do to sign up is text "hello" to 707-708-4185 and follow the prompts to book an appointment. Yes! It's really 100% free.
Our pop-up shop is located in Coddingtown Mall in Santa Rosa. We are located between Bath & Body Works and Famous Footwear.
All that is required for admission to our pop-up shop is an appointment and proof of high school enrollment (like a valid high school ID). They can bring one guest to help them shop. The Princess Project is open to all high school students (male, female, transgender and non-gender conforming) who wish to pick out a prom dress.
Spread the word!
Visit our website by clicking here to download flyers that you can share in your classroom, our local coffee shop or even on social media!
Need printed copies? Email us at sonomacounty@princessproject.org with the quantity and your mailing address and we will get them sent over right away!
over 4 years ago, Windsor Unified School District
Odyssey of the Mind Teams from WHS, WMS, and Cali Calmécac competed today (Saturday) at the Regional problem solving competition.
All the teams did very well and had a lot of creative, technical, and dramatic fun. The WHS team took second place in their technical problem and will continue on to the state competition and one of the WMS teams took 3rd place in the Classic Literature problem, and the other WMS team took 2nd place in the Balsa Structure problem after catapulting their 18gram tower 10 feet then putting 180 pounds on it before it broke!
over 4 years ago, Windsor Unified School District
We will be at Sonoma County Office of Education on Saturday, March 2nd, 9:00 to 11:00. We are looking forward to meeting our future Windsor Certificated Staff. Come by and see us!
Windsor Unified posts all open positions at https://www.edjoin.org/windsorunified
over 4 years ago, WUSD Human Resources
REMINDER: Freshmen Orientation
Dates: February 26th (Stu Last Names A-K)
February 27th (Stu Last Names L-Z)
Time: 6:30-8:30 PM
Location: WHS Theater
(Students are welcome to attend with Parents)
Counselor Meetings
To schedule a 15 minute meeting with your Academic Counselor, (by Student Last Name) click the appropriate link below:
Lauren Schmidt (A-C)
Juan Jauregui (D-J)
Eva Velasquez (K-Q)
Mindy Burgert (R-Z)
Please be sure to arrive on time. Meetings are scheduled every 15 minutes.
over 4 years ago, Windsor Unified School District
REMINDER: Sibling Support Group Meets Tonight at Windsor Middle School in Room H112 from 5:30 - 7:00 p.m.
Being the sibling of a Special Needs child can be isolating, difficult and sometimes frustrating. We would like our Special Needs siblings to have the opportunity to get to know each other and know that they are not alone.
Previously this group was 6th - 12th, but we are welcoming K-5th students too!
over 4 years ago, Windsor Unified School District
Come to WHS February 21st through February 24, for Live Theater! Nueva School for the Arts presents The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe! See the poster for dates and times,
over 4 years ago, Windsor Unified School District
Reminder: Tonight from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. is Middle School Orientation. Come to the Multi-purpose room at Windsor Middle School to hear about all the great things happening at WMS!
over 4 years ago, Windsor Unified School District
WUSD Board recognized Middle & High School Honor Band members!
over 4 years ago, Windsor Unified School District
Come out and be part of this community arts event!
over 4 years ago, Windsor Unified School District
Come to Mattie Washburn for “I am Vibrant”. It’s a great afternoon for kids of all ages!
over 4 years ago, Windsor Unified School District
WUSD appreciates WAN
over 4 years ago, Windsor Unified School District
Now happening at Mattie Washburn
over 4 years ago, Mary Berkey
Joella Olsen & Allison Frenzel welcome guests to “I am Vibrant” event at Mattie Washburn
over 4 years ago, Windsor Unified School District
Seeking Talented Individuals for Current Opening
**Chemistry Teacher ($43,182 - $62,706 starting)**
Technology Technician (limited term through Sept. 30), $15.76-18.23/hr**Yard Duty Supervisor at WCE, 8:00-8:30 AM and 11:50 am - 1:05 pm, $12.30-14.26/hr**AM Yard Duty Supervision at MWE, 8:00-8:30 AM, $12.30-14.26/hr**Paraeducator I, Special Day Class, MWE, 5.0 hrs, 8:30 AM - 2:00 PM, $13.59-15.74/hr**Paraeducator II, NCC Bridges at WHS, 6.5 hrs, 7:30 am - 2:30 pm, $14.64-16.94/hr**Van Driver, 7.0 hours per day (split-shift), $14.64-16.94/hr** Boys and Girls Track Coach (6th-8th grade), CCLA, $1150 for the season through Apr. 26, 2019**Boys JV Lacrosse Coach, WHS, $1610 for the season through June, 2019**