4/1/20 – All Public Schools in NYS will Remain Closed until Apr 15

All materials and resources are being complied on our Coronavirus Information Page located here. Please take the time to visit and find those resources at the end of each update.

April 1, 2020

Dear Willsboro CSD Parents/Guardians/Families,

On Friday, March 27, 2020, Governor Andrew Cuomo announced that all public schools in New York State will remain closed until April 15 due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. This new Executive Order supersedes all previous notifications about potential dates to return to school, including those issued by the Willsboro Central School District. Governor Cuomo has full authority to make this decision and all area schools will return only upon the Governor’s orders.

Additionally, all NYS schools have been directed to provide continued instruction and distribution of meals each day of the closure through April 15, 2020, including during what was previously scheduled as Spring Break for our school. Therefore, CVES BOCES and its 16 component school districts, including Willsboro Central School, will follow this order and continue to provide remote instruction and meals to students every weekday through at least April 14. Students will continue to be expected to complete coursework assigned to them during this time.

Lastly, to clarify some possible confusion on completion of assigned work, while we are asking that completed paper copies of coursework not be sent back to school at this time as a safety precaution, it is the expectation that all students complete all assigned tasks to the best of their ability as they are given by teachers. Some teachers may assign digital work that can be completed and returned electronically while others may ask students to send photos or scans of paperwork back to them. Please check with each teacher to determine what their preference is. We are required to provide instruction which also means that grades will be collected for assignments given throughout the school closure. Thank you to all our students and parents for your continued hard work and efforts in completing coursework, and remember that our teachers are always here to support you as you work through any assignments that have been given.

Please remember that teachers have created assignments using the following structure:

  • For elementary school (PK-6) the instructional target is 1-2 hour(s) per day.
  • For secondary school (7-12) the instructional target is 2-3 hours per day using the following schedule:
      • Monday – Math
      • Tuesday – ELA
      • Wednesday – Science
      • Thursday – Social Studies
      • Friday – All Other Areas


Thank you all for your continued patience and understanding.
Best Regards and Take Care,

Justin M. Gardner
Superintendent of School