CJH Leadership Class

Leadership is during fourth period in room 127. All ASB officers (executive officers and senators) are enrolled in the leadership class. In the leadership class, students plan all ASB activities and learn to function as a team. We are focused on building character, supporting our school and surrounding community, and expressing creativity while planning school activities.

Ninth grade Leadership class students are all part of the Orientation Ambassador team. Orientation takes place during the first day of school for all 8th and 9th graders. Ambassador team members are paired up and matched to a teacher in the building, for support and leadership in lesson plans and activities during the day of orientation.

The only way to be guaranteed a spot in the leadership class is to run for office. Executive officers will be in the leadership class for the entire school year, and senators will be in the class during the semester for which they were elected. All leadership students will have speaking roles in assemblies. Being part of the class requires a portfolio, community service hours, and 30 in-class activity hours. 

  • Portfolio - At the end of the semester, leadership students must create and turn-in an original portfolio. The portfolio contains five pieces of "evidence of leadership," a resume, Areas of Growth, and a letter to a future leadership student. 

  • 6 community service hours - Leadership students must complete six community service hours. Hours must be obtained from two different places. I challenge leadership students to find a new place and a new way to impact the community! Hours should be pre-approved by Mrs. Bradley. A supervisor signature is required and it should not be a parent/guardian signature.

  • 30 in-class activity hours - There will be a sheet where students should periodically have activity hours checked off. Activity hours are to check day-to-day participation and includes participation in school dances, assemblies, lunchtime ticket sales, Cougar Days, UPSD activities, etc. 

    As a reward for their hard work, leadership students are invited to go to Wild Waves at the end of the school year!