Copyright Information


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 Copyright Information

Copyright and plagiarism guidelines for students

1. You may make a single photocopy of any material you need to do your schoolwork, or for your own personal research. You may keep the copies you make as long as you like, but you may not sell them, nor may you make copies of your copies.

2. You must respect the copyright of the materials you use. Only the creators, or the persons or companies who own the copyright, may make copies of the material, except as noted above. You may not modify or change the material, nor may you perform or display the material, except in conjunction with class work.

3. You may use copyrighted material to do your schoolwork, but if you use an author's ideas you must give the author credit, either in the text or in a footnote. If you use an author's words, you must put the words in quotation marks or other indication of direct quotation. Failure to give credit to the author is plagiarism. If you use an extensive amount of a single work, you must obtain permission.  

4. Use of copyrighted materials outside of regular class work may require written permission of the copyright holder unless you can qualify for fair use. Graphic material such as cartoon characters on posters or other spirit or decorative matter would be included.

For help in assessing if your use is fair, consult a teacher or librarian.

5. You may not copy computer software from the school computers. You may not download any document through the school network that may be used to plagiarize or violate copyright.

(Adapted from Copyright for Schools: A Practical Guide, 4th Edition, Linworth Publishing Copyright 2007, Carol Simpson)

Where to find copyright-free images:

  • Creative Commons Content that can be copied, distributed, edited and remixed, and built upon, all within the boundaries of copyright law.
  • Accessible to everyone but especially useful to educators -- the entire archives of photo giants Life magazine and Getty Images available free. Users can view galleries curated by the site's editors or search the library by names, dates, subjects, and locations. The archive chronicles current events, too, with daily news galleries and the addition of 3,000 new Getty photos a day. Seven million free images of American history, science and culture. offers printable handouts on plagiarism, proper citation, and paper writing.