Principal's Message

Welcome to the 2022-2023 school year! We are looking forward to having students back in the building five days a week. Currently we have almost 500 students enrolled in grades K-4. 

Our dedicated staff members are excited to be back in the building with a near-normal learning environment. Students will attend PE, Music and Library Specialist classes as well as return to eating in the cafeteria. We are focused on accelerating learning this year to ensure each student experiences growth and success. Each staff member is dedicated to providing a safe and positive learning environment. 

Our Chambers Bulldogs are CHAMPS which means we focus on the following character traits: Courteous, Honest, Achieving, Mindful, Persistent, and Safe. Students will receive explicit instruction in each of these traits and will practice showing them in all areas of school. 

An important element of student success is a strong relationship between school staff and families. While volunteers are not able to return to our building yet, please consider joining our PTA.

I look forward to meeting all of the Chambers Bulldogs!

Erin Gann, Principal Chambers Primary

Erin Gann, Principal