Afterschool Programs

4th Grade Strings

4th Grade Strings - 7:15 - 7:45 am
- to be offered directly before school, 2 days a week. Current 4th graders are given an option of playing a string instrument as a musical experience through our community schools program. Parents are responsible for obtaining an instrument and encouraging regular practice. There is a one time fee and classes will have two 30 minute lessons per week.

Bulldog Academy

Bulldog Academy

Welcome to Chambers Primary's after school Bulldog Academy program where our staff provides quality reading and math support for identified students. Students are invited to participate in this program which offers alternative instructional strategies in a fun and nurturing atmosphere.

Three to four sessions are offered each year, each focusing on a specific grade level. After a short snack time students receive individualized instruction designed and provided by certificated teachers and supported by trained para professionals. We strive to maintain a 1:2 instructor to student ratio whenever possible to foster strong connections between our students and Chambers Primary staff members.

Bus transportation home is offered to all students within the Chambers Primary service area. Please feel free to contact our office with any questions at 253-566-5650.