World Language Proficiency Testing Dates for 2022-2023
Registration is now closed.
Payment is also due by April 17th
Next test date: April 25, 2023 @ 7:30am
Fill out the World Language Registration Form HERE
After you register, you must submit payment : SUBMIT PAYMENT HERE
>Login using parent family access login information
>Choose student name
>Choose shop items at student's school
>Click on Category school option until World Language tab appears
>Select appropriate test
>Submit and complete payment
World Language Proficiency Testing 2022-2023 FAQs
Eligibility and Registration
How do students know if they can pass the tests?
If you can answer “Yes, I can do this fairly easily” to each statement in a language other than English, then you will probably be able to earn at least 1-2 credits. If you can answer “Yes, I can do this very easily” to all of the statements, then you may be able to earn 1-4 credits when you get tested.
1. I can understand ideas on familiar topics expressed through phrases, short sentences, and frequently used expressions.
2. I can understand the main idea and some details in simple texts that contain familiar vocabulary. [Reading]
3. I can exchange information with another person about familiar tasks, topics and activities. [Person-to-Person Communication]
4. I can use a series of phrases and sentences to provide basic information about familiar topics. [Spoken Production]
5. I can write simple descriptions and short messages and request or provide information on familiar topics. [Writing]
Who are these tests for?
Students in grades 8-11. 12th grade CHS students who are currently credit deficient may also take this opportunity, please speak with your counselor if interested.
Testing Time
The World Language test will take 2-4 hours at minimum. You will be responsible to make arrangements with teachers for any assignments/tests missed during testing time. This includes Running Start classes. We will NOT split up the test to accommodate other classes.
Credits and Benefits
How many credits can a student earn by demonstrating fluency in reading, writing, speaking and listening?
This year students will be able to earn up to four credits, depending upon the level of proficiency they demonstrate on the assessments in reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Students may demonstrate varied levels of proficiency across these four skill areas, and because credits will be awarded based on the lowest level of proficiency demonstrated across the skill areas, it is important for students to have strong skills in all four areas.
What is the benefit of taking this test?
Students will earn proficiency-based high school credits.
Testing Location : Curtis High School, College & Career Readiness Center - Room 103
Where can students register for and take the assessment?
Students can sign up ONLINE and pay for testing with the bookkeeping clerk at their school. Please complete the registration through the link above, Step One.
What will the test cost?
Students and their families are responsible for paying the cost of the test. The cost of the test varies by language test, based upon the cost charged by the test vendor. The reason that some tests cost much more than others is due to the necessity of having a live person who speaks the language administer the speaking and listening/signing portions of the test (via a live phone call).
What Languages will be tested?
These are the languages that will be offered for testing this year for registered students:
Language/ Cost of Test*
American Sign Language $150/SLPI
Arabic $20/STAMP 4S
Bulgarian $132/ALTA*
Chinese SIMPLIFIED $20
Farsi $132/ALTA*
French $20/STAMP 4S
German $20/STAMP 4S
Hebrew $20/STAMP 4S
Hungarian $132/ALTA*
Indonesian $132/ALTA*
Italian $20/STAMP 4S
Japanese $20/STAMP 4S
Korean $20/STAMP 4S
Macedonian $132/ALTA*
Norwegian $132/ALTA*
Polish $20/STAMP 4S
Portuguese $20/STAMP 4S
Punjabi $132/ALTA*
Romanian $132/ALTA*
Russian $20/STAMP 4S
Samoan $20/STAMP WS
Spanish $20/STAMP 4S
Swahili $132/ALTA*
Tagalog/Filipino $20/STAMP WS
Thai $132/ALTA*
Turkish $20/STAMP WS
Ukrainian $132/ALTA*
Vietnamese $20/STAMP WS
*$66 payment for Writing component required first. If Writing is passed, another $66 required for the Oral Live component.
What about languages NOT on the list?
To help us plan for testing for other World Languages for future testing opportunities, please email [email protected] with your student name, school, grade and the world language requested, so that the district can make plans to offer additional languages in the future.
If I am not satisfied with my results, can I retest?
Yes, you can retest. You will need to pay for each test that you take and costs may fluctuate depending on the vendor’s pricing and administrative costs for each test day.
What is the Seal of Biliteracy and how do I earn one?
If you earn the maximum four credits from these district approved tests (ALTA/Stamp4S/WorldSpeak), you will be eligible to earn the WA State Seal of Biliteracy on your transcript upon successful completion of all English Language Arts assessment and graduation requirements. The language you earn the credits in will appear on your transcript as your second language.