telephone icon330-264-9491 3205 Shreve Road, Wooster, OH 44691

Employment Opportunities

The current job opportunities within Triway Local Schools are listed below.  Please continue to check back often.


Middle School Counselor

Elementary School Counselor

Visual Art - Triway Middle School

2nd Shift Custodian


Bus Driver and Van Driver Substitutes Needed!

Please fill out the Bus Driver Application found below, and return to the Central Office or e-mail Tracy Piper at (link sends e-mail).

Custodial Substitutes Needed!

Please fill out the General Support Staff Application found below, and return to the Central Office.

Teacher & Paraparofessional Substitutes Needed!

Teacher and Paraprofessional substitute positions are handled through the Tri-County Educational Service Center, located at 741 Winkler Dr. Wooster.  Please contact the ESC at 330.345.7622 for more information on how to be added to our substitute lists.



Certified/Administrative Staff Application

Bus Driver Application

General Support Staff Application