Submit a Flyer
Non-profit community organizations may advertise events pertinent to
parents' or students' interests or involvement. All flyers must be
non-commercial, non-profit, non-sectarian, non-political and may not promote
fundraising event or activity (unless the event or activity benefits
Telluride R-1 schools). The information will be listed in our school's
electronic newsletters for one week, and the flyers will be posted in
the Events Flyers until the completion of the event.
Posting of flyers at Telluride R-1 schools is not permitted unless approved by the district office, and is normally limited to district-related or sponsored events or events that directly support our students.
To submit your not-for-profit community organization event information for approval, please send an email to Kim Spaulding at the District Office. With your email, you must include:
• Organizational flyer in PDF format
• The date of your program or deadline for registration
• The grade level or ages for your program
Click on the Event Flyers link for an example.
Deadline for submissions is Wednesday at noon. Submissions after Wednesday may appear in the next week's email.