Board Meetings

Regular meetings of the School Board are held in the evening, on the third Tuesday of each month (with the exception of a summer recess in July).  The agendas and meeting minutes are available from the drop-down menu above.  Meeting minutes are approved by the Board at the following month's meeting before being posted to the public. 


    REGULAR Meeting of the School Board

    Tuesday, June 18, 2024, Immediately following the 6:00 pm Budget Committee meeting

    *Agendas will be posted a minimum of 24 hours in advance of the meeting.

    **Zoom connection information will be posted on the day of the meeting.

    Public Meetings

    The Board values and appreciates the time members of the school community and/or the public take to attend School Board meetings!

    Public meetings are currently being conducted in-person, with a virtual option also being offered.  Please be aware that availability of in-person meetings may change at any time, based on current public health concerns and conditions.

    The meeting agenda and connection information will be posted to this page.  Meeting agendas and minutes from past meetings will be posted to the School Board Agendas & Minutes page.

    Public Comment

    The Board of Directors strives to provide opportunity for the public to comment at School Board meetings.  Sometimes these opportunities are in regard to specific agenda subjects and are noted on the agenda as such. General public comment may be included in the agenda as well.  Please reference the meeting agenda for specific instruction on public comment for any given meeting.

    Most often, those wishing to speak before the Board, may do so by emailing or calling Leslie Garvin at, or 503-738-5591, by noon on the day of the meeting.  Please include the following: 1) full name, 2) group representing, if applicable, 3) phone number, 4) address, and 5) a brief description of subject/comment.  Occasionally comment will be sought through the chat feature of the Zoom meeting platform.

    The Board will not hear comments regarding any personally identifiable District staff member.  If comments contain this type of information, the Board Chair will direct the speaker to the procedures in Board policy KL/Public Complaits and KL-AR/Public Complaint Procedure.

    Questions regarding public comment may be directed to Executive Assistant Leslie Garvin at or 503-738-5591.

    Board Meeting Agenda Information

    Board meeting agendas are available on the District website at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled meeting.  Board agendas are divided into three major categories: Consent, Action and Reports, which are outlined as follows:

    1. Consent Agenda consists of routine items such as previous Board minutes, routine personnel/employment actions, routine financial actions, and routine policy updates.
    2. Action items are scheduled for a Board vote and cover many topics.  An opportunity for Board discussion is allotted prior to final action.
    3. Reports and Discussion items are presented for the Board's information.  The Board may engage in discussion and ask questions, but generally no formal action is taken at this time.