
  • The Following is a Rubric For Assessing each Part of Your Research Report:
    . Beginning
    Introduction Disorganized, no information on what is to come Gives too little information. Summarizes report Concise, well-written introduction .
    Research Part 1 (name, anatomy, locomotion, diet, habitat, range, adaptations) Does not cover all appropriate topics Covers some of the appropriate topics. Covers most of the appropriate topics. All appropriate topics covered well. Also includes interesting facts. .
    Research Part 2 (life cycle/reproduction, behavior, defense/offense, enemies, species survival status, classification, etc.) Does not cover all appropriate topics Covers some of the appropriate topics. Covers most of the appropriate topics. All appropriate topics covered well. Also includes interesting facts. .
    Spelling/Grammar Many spelling and grammatical errors A few errors Only one or two errors Spelling and grammar perfect .
    Presentation Illegible, messy Almost illegible Legible writing, accompanying illustrations Well organized presentation, typed or written using a word processor, accompanying illustrations .
    References No references A single reference, incomplete citation Several references with incomplete citations Many references, listed in appropriate format .
    Timeliness Over a week late A week late A day or two late Handed in on time .

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