• As you gather information, you can start building your College List. By the time you are a senior, you may have a list of 15-20 colleges that interest you. As the time gets closer to the actual application, you will want to refine your list and limit your number. Divide your list accordingly:

    Safety Schools:
     Colleges whose admission statistics (available on the individual college's website, Naviance or collegeboard.com) indicate your weighted and unweighted GPA and test scores are well above their average acceptance.

    Target Schools: Schools whose admission statistics indicate your weighted and unweighted GPA and test scores are comfortably within their average acceptance.

    Reach Schools: Schools whose admission statistics indicate your weighted and unweighted GPA and test scores are at the lower-end or very slightly below their average acceptance.

    Keep your list realistic. There are over 4,000 colleges in the United States alone, so there are plenty from which to choose. Here is a video to help you develop YOUR college list.


    College List - organizational tool


    Username & Password List - organizational tool