As discrete courses, Altimira’s Arts program encompasses performing, visual and media arts through the following year-long electives: Art, Yearbook, Drama, 6th grade Band, 7th/8th grade Band, Chorus and Glee Club. The Arts are also available through a variety of clubs offered at Altimira: Photo Club, Talent Show Club, Art Club and Improv Sport Comedy Club. Clubs usually meet during lunch. Both the electives and the clubs can vary from year to year. Additionally, during core classes, teachers incorporate the arts in projects where students use alternative means of expression that capture their ideas and allow them to explore subjects in exquisitely different ways.
The arts enable our students to acquire a positive context to better understand themselves, connect with each other and create a cohesive community. Arts education is highly encouraged and valued at Altimira. Through varied art experiences our students develop cognitive ability, critical thinking, verbal skills, increased concentration and confidence. Altimira’s Arts environment delivers both creative and positive learning opportunities for all of our middle school students.