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Reading Strategy


  1. Think about the title, the illustrations, and what you have read so far.

  2. Tell what you think will happen next or what you will learn.

  3. Think about what you already know about the subject.

  4. Try to figure out things the author does not say directly.

Grandfather's Journey


Allen Say’s grandfather left Japan as a young boy. He took a steamship across the Pacific Ocean to the United States.

Everything Grandfather saw was new to him. He saw fields and mountains. He saw many different people. But Grandfather liked California best. He loved the mountains and the sea.

Grandfather went back to Japan and got married. He brought his wife to California. But Grandfather missed Japan. He kept songbirds to remind him of Japan.

Grandfather took his family back to Japan. But now Grandfather missed California. He kept songbirds to remind him of California.

His grandson loved to hear Grandfather’s stories about California. Grandfather wanted to visit California again. But a war broke out. Grandfather went back to his old village. He was too sad to keep songbirds anymore. Grandfather never saw California again.

When Allan Say grew up, he visited California. He began to love it as much as his grandfather had. He stayed in California and got married and had a family.

Now, when Allan Say visits Japan, he misses California. When he visits California, he misses Japan. Just like Grandfather, he loves two places.

Summary for Timed Reading (pdf file)

Think About the Selection

Coming Soon


Historical Fiction

  • Takes place during a specific period of history.

  • The information about the time period is accurate.

  • Characters do things that real people and animals might do.

  • Places in the story are real or seem real.

  • The story tells about things that could really happen.

Theme 1: Journeys
Theme 1: Journeys
Comprehension Skill

Author's Viewpoint


Vocabulary Games 1


Basic Challenge Spelling Lists

Spelling City (practice the spelling words)

Short vowels i, o; long vowels i, o

Vowel Activities

Suffixes –ly and –y