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What is a Board Policy (BP)?


Board policies are statements which set forth the purposes and prescribe in general terms the organization and program of a school system. They create a framework within which the superintendent and staff can discharge their assigned duties with positive direction. They tell what is wanted.

Policy is:

  • A guideline adopted by the board to chart a course of action
  • What is wanted or not wanted
  • May also include "why" and "how much"
  • Broad enough to allow administrative discretion/specific enough to give clear guidance

Policy is not:

  • Detailed direction
  • Restatements or paraphrases of state or federal law
  • Forms, job descriptions, etc.

Board Policies and Administrative Regulations

Board Policy Manual - Online

San Rafael City Schools board policies and administrative regulations can be viewed and printed from the California Schools Boards Association's (CSBA) GAMUT Online web site service. Policies and regulations are continuously updated based on changes in legislation and the law. 

To access the San Rafael City Schools online Board Policy Manual, please use the button below


Para Políticas en español:

What is an Administrative Regulation (AR)?


Administrative regulations are detailed directions developed by the superintendent and administrative staff to put policy into practice.  They tell how, by whom, where and when things are to be done.

An Administrative Regulation:

  • Provides the details for carrying out policy and enforcing it
  • Sets forth specific requirements
  • May list do's and don'ts
  • May include step by step procedures
  • May assign specific responsibility

An administrative regulation is sometimes accompanied by an Exhibit (E) which provides more specific detail as either a form or specific procedure.