Parent Portal Instructions
How to Register as a New txConnect User
From the Login page, click the link under New txConnect User to go to the Registration page.
The Registration page allows you to register for access to txConnect. The log on process is self-administered, which means that you choose your user name and password during registration. If you forget or lose your password, or if you want to change your password, you will go through an automated process to reset your password.
To register, you must provide at least one valid student portal ID, which you will get from your student's campus. You must have a valid student portal ID for every student you want to add to your account.
If you have forgotten your user ID or password, click the link under Forgot your Password on the Login page to go to the Forgot Password/Forgot User Name page where you can reset your password using an automated process.
At any point during the registration process, you can click Previous to return to a previous step in the registration process.
Step 1:
1. In the User Name field, enter a user name that will identify you when you log on to txConnect, such as a combination of letters from your first and last name.
● Your user name must be six to nine characters and must be unique (not used by anyone else in the district).
● Your user name is not case-sensitive (i.e., it does not matter if you type uppercase or lowercase letters).
● If you type a user name that is already taken, the system will notify you that the user name is taken. Please enter another user name.
2. In the Password field, enter a password that you will use when you log on to txConnect.
● The password must be six to nine alphanumeric characters.
● Use a combination of the following: uppercase, lowercase, numeric, and/or punctuation (e.g., aBc1234).
● Your password is case-sensitive (i.e., you must always type it exactly as it is entered here, including uppercase and lowercase letters).
3. In the Confirm Password field, retype your password exactly as it was typed above. This step confirms that you typed your password as you intended.
4. In the Email field, enter your current e-mail address.
Your e-mail address is required if:
● You are new to the district and you are registering a new student.
● You are updating an existing student's enrollment information.
● You wish to receive attendance or grade alerts.
5. Click Next.
● If you have not entered all required data, a red message will appear to the right of each field that is missing data. You must provide that information before you can continue.
● If you have entered the data correctly, the Step 2 page will be displayed.
Step 2:
1. In the Question field, select a question to which you will provide an answer. This question will be asked in the event that you lose your password.
2. In the Answer field, type the answer to the question. You will be required to answer the question correctly in order to recover your password. Be sure to select a question for which you will easily remember your answer. The answer is case-sensitive (i.e., you must always type it exactly as it is entered here, including uppercase and lowercase letters).
3. Click Next.
● If you have entered data incorrectly, a red message will appear to the right of each field that has incorrect data. You must provide that information before you can continue.
● If you have entered the data correctly, the Step 3 page is displayed.
Step 3:
Note: If you are new to the district, you can skip this step initially. Your student’s portal ID will be provided by the campus at a later time. Click Complete to continue to the My Account page.
1. In the Student Portal ID field, type your student's portal ID. This ID will be provided to you by your student's campus. If you do not have this ID, you must contact the campus to get the ID. You cannot continue without entering a valid student portal ID.
Note: The student portal ID must be typed exactly as it is printed (i.e., uppercase and lowercase letters).
2. In the Student Birth Date field, type your student's complete birth date in the MM/DD/YYYY format (e.g., 01/19/1998). The date entered here must match the birth date in your student's record at the campus. You cannot continue without entering the correct birth date.
3. Click Add.
Your student's name will appear in the Added Students box on the right side of the page. You must successfully add at least one student in order to create an account.
4. Repeat the previous steps to add another student, or click Complete. The Summary page for your first student (alphabetically) will be displayed.