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The weather report and other things by Journalism Class, Fall 2022.

The extremely active and ornery Journalism class of Ms. Tosspon brings you a weather update for their first-ever article. Today, we had our meeting underneath a shade tree in the schoolyard. We were all talking about what ideas we have in order to make the articles as entertaining as possible and what better way to practice your journalism skills than in the grass, having a conversation with a bunch of people you barely know. Our biggest challenge is being distracted by oncoming traffic and the underclassmen running the mile on the track.


Of course, the noises add to the calming ambiance…but the calm doesn’t last long, as we were back to work and laughing along with Ms. Tosspon as she speaks about the culture shock she has experienced in Italy and France with their crippling tobacco addictions.


But now that there is only a mere 10 minutes left of class, we begin to speak about the weather. Amy Stottlemyre states that Fall must be around the corner as the grass is starting to turn a nice mustard color. Mrs. Tosspon seemed to enjoy the gentle breeze the most. She would dare to describe the wind as ‘balmy’ which is just a classier way of saying it was a really nice, warm breeze. Hillary enthusiastically stuck her finger in her mouth and pointed it straight into the air and was able to tell us that the wind was coming from the south.


The temperature is just perfect when you’re in the shade of course. But that also couldn’t stay forever as everyone decided that what we need most was a location change. So we just moved to another shade tree, a journey that was surely difficult. Despite the new scenery, we still continued off-topic. We spoke about the football games, Caley Williams' epic yearbook conquests, and the date Ms. Tosspon has this Friday night; we wish her luck. If you haven’t noticed by now then you should know that the men of this lively group were dead silent, so we asked how they were enjoying the weather and got some pretty enthusiastic answers, such as:


“It’s good,” “It’s pretty amazing,” “There’s a breeze,” “Warm.” “It’s boat weather,” and “Yeah.” But the moral of the story is that despite us all being essentially strangers, having an energetic person like Ms. Tosspon to make us all feel welcome and comfortable ensures that we all had a good time. (And, you wouldn’t ever expect a weather report to be quite amusing.)