Parent-Teacher Conferences Coming Soon!
It's that time of year, parent-teacher conference time. This year's Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held on Thursday, October 22nd, 2020, from 1:30 pm - 7:00 pm. We will be dismissing at 1:04 pm and will not be in session on Friday. We will resume classes on Monday.
Parent-Teacher Conferences are a great opportunity to check in with your child's teacher(s) and see how your student is doing in school. This year we are offering a few different options for parent-teacher conferences. It is our hope that in offering many different ways to connect, more parents will be in communication with our staff so we can work together to help our students achieve and become their best.
Here's how to connect:
1. Virtual conference. (Schedule a Google Meet with your child's teacher.)
2. Email conference. (Email your questions, concerns, and compliments to your child's teacher. They will respond with feedback.) The Staff Directory Icon has all of our staff members listed.
3. Phone conference. (Sign up for a time to speak with your child's teacher over the phone to discuss their progress.)
4. In-Person conference. (We will still have in-person conferences available for parents. Due to the pandemic, all people entering our building are required to wear a mask.)
We will be sending out more information soon on how to schedule a virtual or phone conference and more details on in-person conferences.
Parent-teacher conferences are an opportunity for our teachers and parents to work together as a team. The feedback given helps us all to learn how to best serve your child and their educational and emotional needs. Thank you for making the time to help us be the best we can be for our students. We appreciate your teamwork.
In the middle and high school, in-person conferences will be held on Thursday, October 22nd from 1:30-7:00 p.m. in the high school gym. In the elementary, in-person conferences will be held in each teacher's room. We are taking the following precautions to keep our staff, students, and parents, safe:
- Everyone will be required to wear a facemask.
- There will be a 10-minute timer set for each conference in hopes to eliminate the possibility of anyone becoming close contacts.
- We will be using the entire square footage of the gym to space out teacher stations.
Other options for conferences would be to do the conference via phone call, email, or a virtual Zoom or Google Meet. These types of conferences may be arranged with the teacher ahead of time and will occur during teacher plan periods, after school, or on our teacher professional development day on Monday, November 2nd.