Patriotic Art and Essay Contest
The Missouri Federated Republican Women are hosting an essay and art contest. This contest is open to students in 3 categories, 3rd through 5th-grade, 6th through 8th-grade, and
Freshmen through Seniors. Students must be younger than 11 years old in the 3rd through 5th-grade category,
they must be younger than 14 years old in the 6th through 8th-grade category, and they must be younger
than 18 years in the Freshmen through Senior category. Each Federated Republican Women's Club
can choose the categories of their choice.
Each participant is to write an original, creative essay, 50 - 300 words OR no less than 2
paragraphs and not more than 4 paragraphs in length, on one of the following topics:
1. The subject of the U.S. Flag or the Missouri Flag.
2. A respectful topic of a Governor of Missouri.
3. A Patriotic Theme.
1. The entry must be printed on 8 1/2 X 11 paper with one of the topics listed from above. No other topics will be acceptable.
2. Each author must complete an "Author Entry Form," and include it as the last page of their
submission. All pages must be stapled together with a single staple in the upper, left corner.
3. The entry must be legible and will be graded according to legible, neatness, organization,
grammar, length, word choices, reasoning, and following rules.
Click below to view the rules for the Art Contest and download forms for both Art and Essay Entry and Rules.